Its Not Life Or Death...
...its much more important than that!
Its ok, we know it isn't.
However, sport is a source of heated debate and sincerely held opinions. This is not intended as a sports news site - there are already plenty of those - its all about opinions! Sometimes serious, sometimes irreverent, but always opinionated.
This site began on the 26th January 2011. As with any blog, content will grow over time. No doubt there will be a few design changes along the way in the early stages as the site grows and develops. Its all about what works and what you want from the site. If you would like to play your part in deciding how the site develops then get involved. All contributions and opinions are welcome.
The thought process behind the startup of this blog is very simple. It is born out of a love of sport and the banter that evolves from following sport. We all have opinions. This is an opportunity to express them. We appreciate that there are already many sports forums out there for expressing opinions. This blog is not intended to replace them. However, by their very nature forums are designed for shorter articles and quick reactions and soundbites. Longer posts are not always appreciated. This site gives you the opportunity to construct an argument and express your thought out opinions.
So often when we try and express opinions it ends in frustration as others jump in before we have finished what we are saying. Thats the problem with opinions. Everyone has them and likes to express them as soon as an opening appears. Before we know it, we are so far off the point of the original discussion that the burning issue eating away inside us never gets out. Well here is your chance.
Yes, we are the boring old farts who like to drone on about the latest bee in our bonnets. But there is a boring old fart inside all of us...
Contributions to this site are welcome from anybody. You don't need to be William Shakespeare to write for this site - as you have probably already noticed!
All we ask is that your article is about sport and that it can appeal to a wide enough audience. No matter how much it rages inside you, the issue of whether Doris the tea lady wears a red or blue apron down at Bumpkin FC probably isn't going to cut it - unless you can tie it into a wider issue. Turn it into the joys (or pain) of following your local team and you have a story!
It doesn't matter how controversial or opiniated your article is. In many ways, the more opinionated the better. As long as it doesn't turn into anything too abusive or inflammatory then you're safe on here. At the end of the day they are only opinions, and everyone is entitled to their own.
At first all contributions will be edited and posted by the site and attributed to the author. However, regular and trusted contributors will be given access to posting articles direct onto the site. So if you want a voice for your own favourite sport then get in touch.
Current Contributors
Not Life Or Death: Editor / General contributions
David B: General Sport
Lewroy Bloggs: General Sport
MC: Athletics
Contact Us
If you would like to contact us for any reason, then please email:
We will be delighted to hear from you.